Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Manipulation in William Shakespeare’s Othello

Manipulation in William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Othello† In William Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Othello†, almost every character, and even the audience, is manipulated at least once. Iago, the villain, is responsible for most of this betrayal. He is a master at the art of deception. He gains the trust of the other characters by posing as a concerned friend. When they confide in him, he uses their weakness against them. He treats each character differently, telling them what they want to hear. He is so cunning that they are unaware of the manipulation and, after each encounter, trust him even more.With each lie, he moves closer to his goal of destroying Othello. Iago weaves an intricate web of deception. First, he targets Rodrigo. He preys on Rodrigo’s love for Desdemona and convinces him he can gain her affection if he helps him. Iago convinces Rodrigo that Desdemona will end her relationship with Othello if her father disapproves. Then, the two plot to in volve Brabantio, Desdemona’s father. Iago speaks of how he will destroy Brabantio’s faith in his daughter when he says â€Å"Call up her father. Rouse him. Make after him; poison his delights† (1. 1. 70).He hereby manipulated Rodrigo, Brabantio, Desdemona and Othello in one swoop, still appearing to be the trustworthy confidant. The theme is further demonstrated through Iago’s manipulation of Othello, his main target. He is upset with his superior for promoting Cassio over him and has heard rumors that Othello slept with his wife. So, he begins planting the idea that Desdemona has been unfaithful with Cassio in Othello’s head. Iago says â€Å"Look to your wife. Observe her well with Cassio† (3. 3. 211). He proceeds to gain Othello’s trust and cultivates his deceit.He tells Othello he will get proof from Cassio by letting him listen in on their conversation. Cassio speaks of is date with Bianca, but Iago leads Othello to believe they a re talking about Desdemona. At one point, Iago even enlists his wife to steal Desdemona’s handkerchief, which he uses to further convince Othello of her infidelity. When his manipulation results in Othello murdering his wife and finally committing suicide, Iago achieves his goal of vengeance. Iago manipulates each character through their individual weakness until his plan is complete.He plays each person against each other for his agenda. Meanwhile he remains to be seen as the good guy. Blinded by their own inequities, Iago preys upon his unsuspecting victims and uses the as pawns in his elaborate plan to destroy Othello. They are easily manipulated by their trusted friend. Iago is so masterful in his deception at times even the audience is almost fooled by his misleading charm. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. â€Å"Othello. † Gioia, X. J. Kennedy and Dana. Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing 7th Edition. Boston: Peason, 2013. 1009-1102. print.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Representation of Gender in the Film The Crucible Essay

Nicolas Hytner has used a number of techniques such as camera angles, dialogue and music to represent gender through the film version of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. This is evident through the study of the characters John Proctor, Reverend Hale, Judge Danforth, Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams. The film is set in the mid 17th century in the Puritan society of Salem. The Puritans are a group of people who take the Bible literally and very seriously. Law and religion was tied together so that sin became crime and visa versa. Salem was a place where pleasure and relaxation of any sort was restricted and people lived under rigid Puritan constraints that allowed no room for privacy. All power within the society was derived from biblical authority and the patriarchal views of Salem, thus the society was led by ministers of religion and the patriarchs, with women as the third class citizen. Miller, reflecting his own 1953 context, is paralleling the Salem witch-hunt with the infamous drive by Senator Joseph McCarthy to expose ‘radicals’ and ‘communists’ in the USA. Clearly, the term â€Å"witch hunt† has come to mean the slandering of innocent people using them as scapegoats for the things that are wrong in society. Discrimination against Muslims during the recent Gulf War and War on Terrorism illustrates the universality of the issue of witch-hunting. With the context in mind, the representation of gender in Salem can be analysed. The tragic hero of the film, John Proctor, is presented as a stereotypical man of the late 1600s Salem. John is presented by Hytner as very much the moral centre of the film through the use of a variety of filmic techniques in the construction of his character. In the first scene he appears, his clothes are natural and earthy in colour and his movement while reaping is close to the natural rhythms of the earth. This paints a picture of Proctor as a handsome masculine man, a worthy farmer doing an honest day’s work. The rhythmic reaping of the field gives a comforting feel and shows John’s confidence with his tools – a man used to hard work. The sunlight reflects off his face bathing him in some spiritual power. His  children are out working with him giving the impression of a family man. Images of Proctor are also painted in the scene in Proctor’s household and both male and female roles in the home and family are juxtaposed. John as the head of the family is blunt and abrupt to his wife which was representative of family life at the time. John is master of his house and shows his power when he shouts the word â€Å"Woman!† at Elizabeth. The single word establishes that John’s status is higher than that of Elizabeth and she must submit to his will. Proctor’s dominance is shown in the repetition of the words â€Å"I’ll think on it† and his slamming down on the table signifies the end of their argument. His male qualities are shown in the way he uses his body to make a point and his physical supremacy over his wife. Juxtaposed to this is the representation of female gender through Elizabeth’s character. She is constructed as a rather cold, but highly moral woman. Elizabeth’s role in the home is to care for the house so John can relax whilst she waits on him. This is shown by how she begins to clean up the table as dialogue is established and how she serves John and does the dishes while he is comfortably seated. Thus her inferior status in this patriarchal society is established. The scene portrays the female gender as quiet, submissive and subservient, and a protector of the home from outer influences as we learn that she â€Å"sent Abigail on the roads† because of her sexual attraction to John. Elizabeth is a fine example of the women in Salem. She is stoic, in keeping with the cultural expectations where any show of emotion is considered unseemly. She demonstrates the reserve that, as a woman, she has practiced all her life. This gender role is celebrated throughout the film. She is resigned, willing to accept the laws of her society however unjust which can be seen in the scene when she is arrested. Endowed as the home maker and nurturer, socially expected roles, her meek submissiveness highlights her strength of character as a wife and a mother. This is done through the close up of her hugging her children before she is taken away. The film lauds her behaviour in this scene as quietly dignified, and her integrity is highlighted when she organises the care of her children and comforts them  and hopes her husband will bring her home soon. Essentially, Joan Allen’s acting accounts for much of Elizabeth’s dignity, for the actress stands upright and faces her ordeal with confidence. Hence, the actions of an actor compliment the other filmic techniques that represent gender roles in the film. Despite his patriarchal prerogatives in the household, Proctor’s status is eclipsed by the status of those involved with the theocracy, such as Reverend John Hale and Judge Thomas Danforth. Reverend Hale is portrayed in the traditional stereotype as a gentleman of intellect and authority. He acquires this authority through his unique knowledge of ‘the invisible world’. This can be seen in the scene when Hale interrogates the girls. His demeanour and dress linked with his patronising voice threaten the powerless girls, and establish his authority as a feared ‘expert’. The tilted camera angle looking up at Hale and down at the girls reinforces this power. Judge Danforth represents another form of biblical power in the patriarchal society of Salem. He is the enforcer of law, one with absolute power over the individual, one who holds power over life and death. In the scene of his arrival, his importance and power is signified by the music with an insistent drum beat that is very loud. The camera angle looks up at the entourage showing soldier, carriages and horses charging into Salem to take control. The crescendo of music stops with a gong like sound as Danforth steps out of his carriage in medium close up with an upward camera angle. He is dressed very formally in black with a gold buckle standing out on his hat and stands in an upright and confident stance. These factors combine to establish Danforth as the stereotypical judge – an aged man endowed with wisdom and knowledge, but nonetheless with a hint of stubbornness. Contrasting to all this is the representation of female gender. Women in the society possess barely any power at all, not even the right of freedom of expression. This is why they were dancing in the woods and ultimately triggering the whole episode of the witch hunt. It is no wonder why a girl like Abigail would seize her chance to enjoy her powers as â€Å"God’s fingers†. However this empowerment of Abigail, her unnaturally strong sexual  attraction and her unwilling to be a submissive maid/housewife all works against social expectations of Salem and the film’s stance on being male and female – this establishes Abigail as evil and dangerous. Apart from being represented as countering stereotypical qualities, she is also established as a manipulative whore. This could be seen in the scene where John and Abigail meet against the wall. Dialogue is used to represent Abigail as a seductress, â€Å"give me a sweet word John†. Music accompanies Abigail’s emotional state, simple, unmelodic and mysterious as Abigail tries to seduce John and becoming more melodic and threatening as Abigail grabs John’s crotch and harangues him to position Abigail as a more powerful figure. As Abigail and John start to argue, Abigail occupies the foreground and the centre of the frame. This framing positions her as an empowered female. All this contributes the film’s construction of Abigail as a resistant and countering role and a temptress. In conclusion, Miller has used various filmic techniques to construct and represent gender roles as pointed out above.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Socially Desirable Merit Goods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Socially Desirable Merit Goods - Essay Example As the paper declares  the government has the responsibility of ensuring implementation of expended schools initiatives and provision of financial support to schools to facilitate smooth learning environment. The government also has the responsibility of providing public schools with recreational facilities and further gives better education opportunities to all children. UK government must ensure that every child gets quality education with a very good start and further helping schools in delivering education strategy. Mainly the government has to ensure that schools have good infrastructure and provides students with better skills.This study discusses that  the government should ensure that education provided to the public is very beneficial, effective and universal to all the learners. The intention of providing education by the government is to equip learners with high level skills that are relevant to the betterment of the economy and instilling skills that are useful in the modern life.  Government should ensure enough funding especially in the universities and colleges due to the importance of graduates in the economic growth. According to OECD report studying for a degree greatly benefits individuals because they earn a lot of money compared to non-graduates.  The report further suggests that the educated individuals were never affected by the economic crisis as it affected the uneducated. The economic crisis and recession was caused by unsuccessfully educated individuals.... According to OECD report studying for a degree greatly benefits individuals because they earn a lot of money compared to non-graduates. University graduates also benefits the governments from the high taxes earned from higher earnings by the graduates. The report further suggests that the educated individuals were never affected by the economic crisis as it affected the uneducated. The economic crisis and recession was caused by unsuccessfully educated individuals. The government should subsidize higher education since university education is important to the UK’s economic recovery because it leads to receipt of high taxes and reduced level of unemployment. All these show the unending benefits of education thus justifying why it cannot be left on the hands of private sector. Educated people get good employment and earn good money compared to uneducated individuals. Learned individuals also acquire knowledge and skills that help them in rational thinking and decision making pro cess thus reducing risks of economic crisis and recession. University education is considered vital in individual’s innovation capability due to the knowledge acquired (McMahon 2009, 180-200). There are several benefits to governments and society that result from studying for a degree such as increased receipt of taxes and social cohesion. University graduates assist individuals in obtaining lucrative jobs thus reducing the level of unemployment in the country. The employed persons will reduce the level of crime in the society because most people are able to economically sustain themselves. Graduates always acquire skills and knowledge that may help them make wonderful innovations that are crucial

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Strategic Considerations within the European Union Framework Essay

Strategic Considerations within the European Union Framework - Essay Example This essay discusses that member states of European Union have been pilling pressure to the union following debts and recession crisis. Arguably, EU failed to offer protection to the interest of its members and their citizens thus leading lost of public support. Although it is not probable to argue that the turmoil has influenced the Europeans view to matters, other than its social influences, it may have influenced the engagement of European citizens to European projects. Strategic plans initiated by EU member states to counter the impact of the financial crisis, and the create employment is an indication of the impact of the economic crisis to the citizens of the Euro zone. A survey by â€Å"Transatlantic trend† argues financial turmoil affected 60% of the people interviewed compared to 55% of people affected by the crisis in 2009. Europeans show a lot of concern to development as revealed by the Euro-barometer, which provides a basis of gauging the crisis. Many believe that issues of immigration, insecurity, and environment are fundamental as issues relating to socio-economic issues. In the spring of 2007, major concern for most Europeans is the economic situation and inflation in 2008. Interviews conducted in spring of 2009 indicated economic turmoil as the major headache of most Europeans. Arguing from the report, 42% of people interviewed quoted economic recession as a threat. Unemployment was another factor alongside economic turmoil. It is arguable that economic slump has an effect on rate of employment since recession dislodges most people out of employment. Further, social crisis report produced in autumn 2009 indicates that 51% of citizens interviewed indicated unemployment as the major factor, which was ahead of insecurity by 19%, inflation by 19%, and healthcare by 14% respectively (Thierry, 2011:132). The above figures do not show the magnitude of the effects in a national scale in terms of social crisis. Apparently, many European nations a rgue that the economic nightmare has maimed their buying power. For instance, a study conducted by Smith & Grant (2003) and published in their book to evaluate the effects of the economic slump shows the following trend the Dutch claim 40% of its effects, Bulgarians feel 84%, Spanish 71%, and Romanians 89%. Euro-barometer flash survey indicates the significance of the effects of the economic crisis to the households in Europe. In addition, a look at the June 2010 survey results shows a big difference between northern and southern Europe (UK, Sweden, German, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and France), in which at least 15% of citizens claim to have had challenges in paying their bills; including food, over the twelve months. The above observation varies with report from Southern Europe (Portugal, Spain, and Italy), in which economic crisis trend takes 17-20%, and in the Eastern Europe in which the economic turmoil takes 30% and (43% for Romania). It is arguable that the trend of e conomic nightmare in Europe takes the shape of social crisis (Thierry 2011:134). This argument leads to the questions as to whether a political crisis is looming, which will lead to increased conception with regard to the ability of the European Union to counter the crisis. In the recent past, observers still believe that euro is still a victor to the economic crisis. The observers argue that the joining of the European Union by the Icelandic countries is approve that euro could champion the crisis. Other observations are the determination by Baltic countries to introduce policies that would act to maintain a stable rate of exchange using euro as a single currency. According to Ronald & Saskia (2011:43), it is apparent that Europe alongside other continents in the world suffered economic recession towards the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009. However, it managed to avoid devaluation witnessed during 1930 economic turmoil. Largely, its

A problem in civil engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A problem in civil engineering - Essay Example The effects of civil engineering to the environment start from its construction to its use i.e. the use of vehicles on the already built roads. All these have contributed to the environmental pollution. The most areas that civil engineering affects in the environment include the air, water and it defragments the habitats. All these effects are the main contributors of climate change (Moavenzadeh, 1994, p. 29). The main origin of this pollution is the construction sites. This is where all the activities take place. The main products in the construction site are the waste products. Construction is one of the economic activities that use natural resources but it produces wastes to the environment. These wastes are produced in very high quantities that cannot be disposed easily. There accumulation increasing in very short time. These wastes can be in form of gas, sand, stones, ceramic or glass. Other dangerous products include wood treated with metal oxides and the paints. All these wast es are produced in large quantities yet they cannot be recycled. This has given engineers hard times in trying to either to disposes or recycle them. Other products can be recycled but the problem is that they are already contaminated. Civil engineers have been forced to buy some landfills in order to dispose the wastes there. Deposition can be very hard more especially where some people refuse to sell their landfills for deposition (Moavenzadeh, 1994, p. 34). The construction wastes caused a lot of contamination on both land and the water. During construction, the fluids used are the main pollutants to the environment. At times, these fluids are pumped into the sewage but they also damage the sewage plants. For these plants to be repaired, they require high cost and this cause too much inconveniences to the authorities involved. To avoid all these problems, all waste paint used should be collected and recycled. Furthermore, water used for washing contains a lot of suspensions that may also cause some inconveniences in the sewage treatment. Construction also causes emission of dust and other gases into the air leading to air pollution. With increase in this air pollution, it leads to climate change. Dust can also cause visual impact. This leads to invisibility. Construction sites are also full of noise. Noise is air pollution. Noise is generated by the heavy machineries used for construction. However it is very important to research on the effects of civil engineering on the environment. The main objective of the research is to find the various ways in which the civil engineering activities affect the environment and the possible ways of reducing these effects (Moavenzadeh, 1994, p. 37). Task 2 Despite the positive impacts that civil engineering entails, there are also negative effects that the activity brings to the environment. These negative effects are increase as the civil engineering intensifies in most parts of the world. The need of more civil construc tions has made it difficult to reduce these civil engineering effects on the environment. However, there is a need to look at the way this civil construction affects the climate and to deduce the possible ways to reduce it. Research should be done to identify then factors that accelerate these effects and the ways of controlling the menace should be put in place. The hypothesis of this research is to identify how civil engineering affects the environment a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Should the Sec replace the FASB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Should the Sec replace the FASB - Research Paper Example Generally, FASB has five main goals: improving common understanding of the nature and purposes of financial reports, keeping accounting standards updated to reflect various changes in methods of conducting business and in the economy in general, promoting international convergence of accounting standards that are concurrent with making better the reasonability of financial reporting, taking into account quickly any areas of significance with regards to deficiency when it comes to financial reporting which maybe improved by way of standard setting, improving the usefulness of financial reporting by focusing on the important qualities of comparability and consistency and also on the primary characteristics of relevance and reliability.(Loren, John and Jefferson,2010) SEC stands for U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission .its mission is to protection of investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and highly efficient markets, and facilitating capital formation. The common interest of citizens is a growing economy which produces jobs, improves peoples’ living standard, and protects their savings. Thus the actions of SEC must be taken with an approach toward promotion of capital formation which is necessary for sustaining economic growth. (Young, 2003 p27) The SEC does oversee many key participants in the world of securities, including exchanges of securities, securities dealers, investment advisors, and also mutual funds. SEC is concerned with promoting disclosure of market-related information, protecting against fraud and maintaining fair dealing. SEC is the main overseer and regulator of the securities markets in the U.S., it also works hand in hand with a host of other institutions, including Congress, federal departments and agencies, the stock exchange, securities regulators, and many other private sector organizations. The main responsibilities of SEC are interpretation of

Friday, July 26, 2019

University of Miami Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

University of Miami - Essay Example As a function of this, UAVs operating in various places throughout the world, namely Iraq and Afghanistan, began to suffer a high attrition rate due to the icing of the wings that invariably occurs at high attitudes. As such, this represented a primary design flaw in that the UAV manufacturers had not foreseen the fact that due to the pilotless nature of the aircraft, it would be nearly impossible for a UAV pilot to notice and infer that icing was taking place; let alone seeks to counteract such an eventuality by employing countermeasures. Moreover, the analysis will look at the use of FEA as a means of solving the complex problems that the engineers were faced. In order to rapidly and cost effectively integrate such a level of changes, the engineers went back to the proverbial drawing board and utilized CAD (Computer Assisted Design) to seek to draw a further level of inference upon the issue at hand. Mainly, these tools were used by the analysts to seek to determine the CFD properties that the wings exhibited. The CFD, or Computational Fluid Dynamics, was a way that the engineers could seek to provide the wings and surface areas of the associated aircraft with the highest level of protection against the accumulation of ice without having the cover the entire aircraft in costly, heavy, and ultimately ineffective de-icing mechanisms. The overall importance of seeking to maximize the level of â€Å"bang for the buck† with relation to where the de-icing systems were ultimately installed centered upon the fact that the sheer nature of the jobs which the UAV’s perform and support require that they remain aloft for extraordinarily long periods of time. As a function of this, it is necessary for these aircraft to be as light, and as fuel efficient as possible. Likewise, seeking to utilize CAD and CFD to determine what aspects of the aircraft lay at the greatest degree of risk with

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Analysis - Case Study Example Consequently, the inventor of the business idea faces the challenge of losing full control in running the business. Nigel Galler, the founder and CEO of Movirtu Limited, faces the equal challenges in financing the expansion and development of the start-up business. One of the challenges that Movirtu Limited is facing in raising is convincing the impact investors the investment has a positive social impact on the targeted markets and is economically viable. The impact investors can only finance a business if it has the potential for empowering the impoverished communities while ensuring it is financially profitable (WDI 8). Accordingly, Movirtu Limited has to demonstrate to the impact investor namely the GreyGhostVentures (GGV) how the business will promote the welfare of the poor communities if the financing arrangement by the TLcom Capital is accepted. In addition, the business model employed in running the business by integrating TLcom Capital has to prove it is a viable business to attract the financial support from the impact investors. Another challenge that is been faced by Movirtu Limited in raising financial capital is convincing the venture capitalistic TLcom Capital on the potential of the business in generating profit in future under the social impact requirement of GGV. The financial support sustainability from the venture capitalists can only be sustained if they are convinced, the business idea will generate adequate revenue and grow in future (WDI 8). However, the target market for Movirtu Limited has high risk due to the purchasing power of the targeted consumers. In addition, the revenue margin that Movirtu Limited expects to receive from the actual price of the service compared to the financial resources consumed is considerably low. Thus, the ability of Movirtu Limited in winning the confidence of the venture capitalistic is relatively challenging. Moreover, the acceptance of venture capitalist in financing

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Homeless English Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Homeless English - Research Paper Example There are individuals who absolutely cherish the idea of being homeless because they are able to fulfill their obligations through the helping hand of the society. However, this is a very wrong approach that has been taken on by these individuals who would not like to make their way through the tough times and be completely reliant on the donors and organizations which would give them shelter, food and clothing – their most basic needs in essence. Being homeless in the tough times of today is such a severe problem that it is hard to ascertain a remedy for this problem. What is even worse is the fact that being homeless is not something that one does or chooses by choice. It just happens in the nick of things and brings on more trouble for the people who do not have a shelter to live under. Hence being homeless is a stigma that has been attached with individuals who are not that affluent and have a tough time making both ends meet. It also creates issues of joblessness, poverty and health related concerns which are raised time and again. What is even sickening to know is the fact that the state of homelessness brings with it problems of expounding proportions. These problems do not just remain attached with the poverty domains yet are engulfed with more grave concerns, most of which are related with the ways and means under which people stop becoming mature and are shelved into a box from where they cannot escape (Khan, 2010). They simply let go off the feeling of thinking in a better way for their own selves, and this results in their complete subjugation of activities and tasks which they ought to do time and again (Gudauskas, 1999). One must remember that homelessness is not a sin, yet it is a circumstantial happening which comes about when there are problems which an individual cannot face up to and hence becomes a part of the unwanted picture that has developed with the advent of time. Some estimates suggest that around 200,000 to 500,000 Americans l ive without a permanent shelter. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development quoted more than 600,000 sheltered and unsheltered homeless individuals within America, as of January 2009 figures. Moreover, approximately 1.56 million people were making use of an emergency shelter or even a transitional housing program between October 2008 and September 2009. For some, homeless becomes a blessing in disguise. This is because they believe homelessness gives them a sense of being unattached with the responsibilities that they would have to take had they owned a house. They are therefore dependent on the state and its people for their shelter needs. Similarly, they have gone one step ahead and relied on their food and clothing regimes as well. The need is to establish their psyche more than anything else. This is the reason why they are living in an age of destitute where they have just about nothing with them yet they are undertaking minimal efforts to make do with the changing time s. These are important considerations which need to be understood and which shall pave the way for future growth and development regimes of such individuals. The society therefore takes the brunt of such individuals who do not want to do anything yet remain at the behest of the people at large. The state has therefore

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 10

Report - Essay Example empts to analyse the challenges facing an organisation like the United Nations (UN) and the manufacturing / service businesses represented by the General Motors (GM), Norwich Union (Aviva) and Imperial Tobacco. For the UN, the political conflict challenges, for GM, the energy and economic challenges, for Aviva, the climate change challenges and for Imperial Tobacco, the socio-political challenges will be analysed and appropriate recommendations will be presented in this report. The UN took its birth in the aftermath of the 2nd World War and is entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining peace and order among nations. However, it is faced with diminishing status even as political conflicts and wars rage around the globe. This is a leadership issue in conflict resolution for the UN. For example, while there was global consensus for war on Afghanistan in the light of the overwhelming evidence, the same was missing in respect of the US war against Iraq. Iraq ignored UN resolutions and Global challenges for business management 2 US ignored mainstream European opinion against the Iraq war. The situation is not different even in the case of the on-going conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza region, who ignore UN pleas for ceasefire – even the UN relief camp in Gaza is on fire! These are only two examples of the many such events. The issues involved in these conflicts generally revolve round geo-political interests, cultural and religious differences, dominance of few over many, etc. Conflicts and wars impact businesses adversely and to that extent will make the task of achieving Millennium Development Goals set by the UN, more difficult. Important elements of this plan that are to be achieved by 2015 are poverty elimination, universal education, women empowerment, healthcare, disease control, environment sustainability and global partnership for development (UN, Millennium development goals report, 2007). Political conflicts can be also

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Comparison of Mac OSX Tiger and Microsoft Windows Vista Essay Example for Free

A Comparison of Mac OSX Tiger and Microsoft Windows Vista Essay Introduction: Microsofts Windows and Apples Mac OSX are one of the most prominent Operating Systems in the world. Both have millions of Active users and are considered as major rivals. Both Operating systems have their specific advantages as well as some disadvantages. Both operating systems have evolved throughout the time in a specific manner and has managed to create their own identity. This paper will compare the latest releases of both software giants i.e. â€Å"Microsoft Windows Vista† and â€Å"Mac OSX Tiger†. A Comparison of Microsoft Windows Vista and Mac OSX Tiger: Mac OSX Tiger 10.4x is the latest release of the OSX series of operating systems released by Apple Corps. This version was released in spring 2005. Like its predecessors Tigers foundation is laid on the Unix Kernel â€Å"Darwin†. The Unix foundation has made Tiger more secure and reliable than its non Unix rivals like Microsofts Windows. There are no known Viruses, Worms or Spywares which can force Tiger to compromise . Vistas predecessor Windows XP has been under attack by the hackers and viruses since its release for the first time which compelled Microsoft to fix the loopholes in the form of service packs. That why its successor Vista has been developed with security in mind. Though Vista seems to be more secure than XP or other earlier Windows releases but it has not achieved 100% immunity against viruses and worms. Apple has maintained a policy of releasing new versions roughly after every 18 months. Due to this approach the changes and innovations made in the new versions were not that prominent to confuse the users. On the contrary Microsoft has not released any new version after the release of Windows XP in 2001. Thus the change in Vista is more dramatic than change in Tiger. Speaking about the GUI and its features Tiger and Vista share many similarities. Because Tiger is a couple of years older than Vista seems to draw many features and ideas from Tiger. Some notable similarities are in icons. Vista has also change the names of â€Å"My Documents† and â€Å"My Computer† folder to â€Å"Documents† and â€Å"Computer† same as in Tiger. The term Vista Aero Interface is very similar to Tigers Aqua interface in terminology. The buttons and other interface details have the same shiny round look as in Tiger. Tigers most amazing feature is its spotlight search technology which is borrowed by Vista in such a way that even the search button is identical to it, only the magnifying glass turns on the opposite side. But along these similarities Vista is more advanced and sophisticated than Tiger in a number of ways. Vista provides a more sophisticated file previewing technology not found in Tiger. It can even preview text files. Moreover Vistas folder give the preview of the files located inside them a feature not found in Tiger. Moreover Vista can scale icons and previews up to 128 by 128 pixels. Regarding file management and searching Vista and Tiger share many similarities. Vistas new file searching technologies are very similar to Tigers spotlight technology, but Vista goes further ahead and provides the facility of adding meta data in Internet Explorer directly. Vista provides multiple fields for searching and adding meta data a feature not available in Tiger. Vista has also borrowed the idea of Tigers smart folders renaming them as virtual folders. But Vista has also developed some advanced file management features not found in Tiger. Vista provides a new backup system which record changes in the backed up files time to time and save them in a protected folder. Vista has also developed a feature available in Mac OSX since its earlier times. OSX has the ability to create any document in PDF. Vista on the other hand has given support to change any document in Metro an universal XML document format. Regarding networking Vista is far more superior than Tiger. This is basically because Vista is more compatible to Microsoft servers than Tiger. Vista has also provided the facility to connect to a project on the network and send presentations to it. Vista is also introducing Ipv6 protocol, a feature which is available in OSX since Panther. Vista also has a better support for RSS feeds, Weblogs etc. Media Center is a feature which can certainly be called the pride of Microsoft in the world of Desktops and operating systems. Because neither Tiger nor any other competitor such accomplished media center facitlities as provided by Microsoft. The feature first introduced in Windows XP Media Center edition has shown further enhancements and innovations in this regard. Conclusion: Though Vista is a major innovative change for Windows users many new features introduced in Vista are not that new in the world of desktops. Tiger and some other operating systems have introduced them a couple of years ago. But Vista has gone further beyond. There are many features and advances in Vista which are not found in any operating system currently. Security is the key problem thats why Vista provides more sophisticated security features than Tiger. Vista also has the advantage of the largest number of software support which Tiger doesnt. But Tiger has support of open source softwares thanks to its Unix foundation. One can conclude that each operating system is superior to its rival in some characteristics and lacks some features found in the other. References James Fallows (2006), Microsoft Reboots: A Preview of the New Versions of Windows and Office, The Atlantic Monthly. Volume: 298. Issue: 5 The Atlantic Monthly Magazine J.V. Bolkan (2005), Facing the Future: Computer Hardware Is Getting a New Set of Standards. Find out How They Will Affect Your Future Purchases, Learning Leading with Technology. Volume: 33. Issue: 3, International Society for Technology in Education. Royal Van Horn (2006), The Perfect Computer and Web Browser Updates, Phi Delta Kappan. Volume: 88. Issue: 1. Publication Year: 2006. Page Number: 7, Phi Delta Kappa, Inc

Regency Plazza Essay Example for Free

Regency Plazza Essay 2.1. Post-teaching Assignment: Group Project Students will be allocated to groups with 6 to 7 students per group. Each group is required to submit a detailed written report on the Regency Plaza case study. 70% of the Assignment2 overall mark is allocated to the written report on the Regency Plaza case study. Case Synopsis: Designed to examine the process of project management during the development cycle of a luxury condominium building for the Regency Plaza group, this case explores the issue of how the design, development strategy, project organization, and project personnel are interrelated. More specifically, it looks at how these factors shape the day-to-day operations of a development and how they affect the formal and informal mechanisms that a project  manager has at his or her disposal. Case Assignment Questions: 1. Evaluate the project definition phase of the Regency Plaza project. How do the problems that emerged during the project relate to how the project definition phase was managed? Dilanka 2. Evaluate the role of the project manager (Kris Hodgkins) in the case. What skills do you think are required to be the project manager for the Regency Condominium Development Project? How well do you think that Kris Hodgkins meets these skill requirements? Do you think Kris Hodgkins was a good project manager? Janaka 3. Evaluate how well risk was managed in the Regency Plaza project. You should use the four stage Risk Management framework from the module in answering this question. Dinidu 4. Given the situation that Kris Hodgkins finds herself with the Millers at the end of the case, evaluate all of the options available to her and recommend the course of action your group thinks she should take? Anusari Each and every question should include †¢ Theoretical background †¢ Application of theory †¢ Findings †¢ Analyze findings First read the case and prepare rough note. I’ll inform you the word count later for each and every part. Guidelines for the written assignment: †¢ The report should contain a minimum of 2500 and a maximum of 3000 words. The word count is from the start of the Executive Summary to the end of the Conclusions sections and does not include the cover page, references and appendices. †¢ The required format for the layout of the report is as follows: o Cover page as per UCD specifications.   Executive Summary †¢ In a single paragraph, summarize the contents of the entire report. This should written last when the rest of the report is completed, so that you know what you are summarizing. Hasitha/ Sachintha o Introduction to the selected project †¢ Briefly give an introduction to the project you have chosen to analyze. †¢ Outline your plan to analyze the project, i.e. what topics you will use and the elements of theory or frameworks within those topics you will apply to the project. Hasitha/ Sachintha o Analysis of the Project †¢ Using the theory in the module topics, analyze the project. †¢ You should not spend too many words describing the theory you use (referencing it is sufficient), but devote most of the effort to applying the theory to the information you have obtained about the project. o Discussion and Conclusions †¢ In this section, you discuss your findings and explain why the project can be deemed a success or failure – what worked well and why, what didn’t work and why, and what your group would have done differently if you were the project manager. †¢ Identify the key learning points in the project and what your group learned from undertaking the assignment. All   References †¢ All third party material used in the report must be listed here using a formal referencing system such as the Harvard system. These must be correctly cited where used in the body of the report. †¢ This assignment will enable students to identify the challenges of Project Management in the global business environment, and to develop the following skills: teamwork due to the group nature of the task, written communication, and research skills from gathering information from multiple sources about their chosen case study. †¢ As this is a group assignment, all members of the group will receive the same mark for the written submission of the project. However, all members are also required to state clearly their contribution to the group project at the end of the document. †¢ This Assignment must be submitted to your Programme Manager in hard copy and via Blackboard. See the deadline in table 2B. Please read the Grade Descriptors in the Main Assignment Grade Descript or table.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cause of the Difference between West and East Eating Habit

Cause of the Difference between West and East Eating Habit The Cause of the Difference between West and East Eating Habit   1. Introduction Why people distinguish calling between Western and Eastern or Eastern and Western.   There are many reasons, maybe it is because that it is divided by ocean which people cannot easily cross.   In the other word, East countries and West countries were not easily connected until some point in the past. In that sense, food culture is also very different. Even though eating habit is a part of food culture, there is an obvious contrast between the East and West.   In this report, we will compare what is different about the eating habits and find out nutritional problems. 2. Methodology Data was collected from international co-worker and friends from March of 2017, aged 25~35 year olds. 3.1. The Cause of Different Eating Habit between Western and Eastern   Ã‚  Ã‚   a. Main food ingredients for environment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   -The most of the Eastern countries have good weather for growing grains. Among them is especially rice. The rice grows well in the monsoon climate. The features of monsoon climate are the seasonal change of the wind, the humid summer, and the dry winter. Though this climate often brings death and destruction, monsoon rains are an annual phenomenon in Asia and are vital for food productivity and overall economic growth.   This led to the development of rice and vegetable dish rather than western. On the contrary, most of the Western countries climate have suited the wheat and livestock industry Suraj Yadav (2014)provide information about wheat which is well growing in cool, moist climate and ripens in a warm, dry climate. U.S Department of Agriculture (2011) provide information about a largeof wheat is still have been produced in the Western and it has been exporting to the Asian countries.    For this reason, a variety of flour based food has been created and have developed in the West, for example, bread, pizza, pasta and so on. Also, there is a wide range of fields for raising livestock. This was a good way to get quality meat, so eating a meat meal is common. Therefore, the recipe and cooking methods for bread and meat have developed, Even now, there are many kinds of food which are using the wheat and meat than East. On the other hand, the kind of recipes for rice and vegetables in the West countries are very few compared to East countries.   Ã‚   b. Differences Food Culture   Ã‚   We can see the difference in eating habit by the tool.    Westerners cook the food ingredients in large pieces and cut the food on their plates using knives and forks while east people cut food ingredients into bite size before cooking, then use chopsticks to eat. The use of these tools is affecting the cooking time and eating time. To put it simply, Western food tends to need more time to cook and eat, because using the big food ingredients through that survey, we can know this information 2) The Problem of Each Eating Habit a. The problem about eating habits It is commonly known that Eastern people eat food quickly. As mentioned above, this is why, it is influenced by the cooking tool and cooking methods, but it causes obesity because when people eat fast, people normally feel less satiated than those who eat slower and therefore end up overeating.   Ann MacDonald(2011)who is Harvard health contributor said that people who eat fast tend to consume more because they do not give their brains a chance to tell the body that it is full, even they tend to swallow food without enough chew, and prefer the spicy flavour, but these eating habits are very harmful to stomach. On the other hand, a lot of Western people prefer frying as cooking methods. Many dishes are easily cooked by this methods, but it can cause many diseases such as obesity, hypertension.   S.D. Wells(2011)warn about the danger of fried foodand they tend to prefer sweetness. Sweetness is a property of sugar. It is known to be the cause of diabetes and obesity, and Julie Corliss(2014) executive editor said that sugar may raise the risk of dying of heart disease. b. The nutrition problem of each main food.   Ã‚   For our health, we should carefully check and study food nutrition facts.   Let us take a look at the rice and wheat which we were examples above. RICE Nutrition Information As you can see in the chart, rice has high calories, the nutrient which can be a cause of obesity and these nutrient elements that are more important such as less vitamin B, protein WHEAT Nutrition Information Wheat has long been controversial among a great number of scientist. Wheat has many nutrients but also has many problems. KRIS Gunnars(2013)said that wheat contains a gluten which many people cannot properly digest. It causes anaemia, bloating and so on. Conclusion To sum up from what has been discussed above, it goes without saying that our eating habits are influenced by various environmental factors and our eating habits have a lot of problems. Especially, obesity and adult disease coming from wrong eating habits are the serious problems in a modern society. We need to lay our heads together to solve that problem. We should try healthy eating habits to live a happy and healthy life. The Reference List       Ann, M. (2010, Oct 19).Why eating slowly may help you feel full faster. Retrieved from Julie, C. (2014, Feb 06).Eating too much added sugar increases the risk of dying with heart disease. Retrieved from 3)   Kris, G. (2013, May 27).Potential problems with whole wheat. Retrieved from Suraj, Y. (2014, APR 15). Climatic conditions for growing wheat. Retrieved from U.S Department of Agriculture. (2011). Global Grain Consumption Map. Retrieved from Wells, S. (2011, Dec 26).Health Basics : Why are fried foods terrible for your health?. Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Good Country People Essay -- essays papers

Good Country People â€Å"Woman, Do You Ever Look Inside?† There are many themes within Flannery O’Connor’s short story â€Å"Good Country People†. Religion is definitely one of the more prominent themes that the story holds. Like most of O’Connor’s works, it plays a big part in the actions or characteristics of the main characters. This is all on the surface however. The more important and less accentuated theme is the various facades the characters create for themselves. These facades prevent them from facing their true â€Å"grotesque† selves. These facades also hide their weaknesses that they have no wish to face ort just can’t understand. People must be comfortable with every aspect of themselves, because certain people, who in this story are represented by Manley Pointer’s character, can easily exploit their weaknesses. He’s â€Å"good country people† and â€Å"the salt of the earth† as Mrs. Hopewell refers to Manley Pointer who really is a demon that they mu st face. A demon to remind them of their weaknesses. Beginning with Mrs. Hopewell, the title of the story comes from what she likes to call the poorer and less fortunate people that live off the land and work their whole lives just to hang on to some scrap of a life. This is how she views these people. She believes that they are good country people not a bad seed among them, that they are all eager to help out and bow in humility to the upper class. The gullible nature of Mrs. Hopewell betrays her true vision of a situation. She is one of those people who are all goody-goody to people who they view as less fortunate. She’s a person that commends or speaks for the people she knows nothing about. Altogether this is her true weakness that is taken advantage of by Manley Pointer. One of ... ...of a minor character in the story but she is referred to as having two emotions, â€Å"forward and reverse†. This is important because when a person is forced to go in reverse they must face something or learn something they don’t want to know about themselves. This seems to be what happens during the course of the story for Joy-Hulga. Although all the characters in the story are stuck in reverse, the only character that is forced to realize her weakness, which destroys the faà §ade that she created is Joy-Hulga. It seems that in this story as in life the most high and mighty suffers the greatest fall. Joy-Hulga was the one who perceived herself to be the high and mighty of the characters. This attitude is displayed with many of her comment to Mrs. Hopewell. Perhaps when Joy-Hulga remarks to Mrs. Hopewell, â€Å"Woman, do you ever look inside?† she should’ve taken her own advice.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Characterization in Harriet Beecher Stowes Minister without a Pulpit :: Harriet Beecher Stowe Minister Pulpit Essays

Characterization in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Minister without a Pulpit Harriet Beecher Stowe uses characterization and a tragic situation to portray the contrast of the bourgeois and the proletariat classes and the social movements within the class structure. The first character appearing in the story is a little girl whose mother has just died. The descriptions of her are vague, and the name of this child is not revealed until late in the story. Throughout the story, the little girl is referred to as â€Å" ‘ere,† â€Å"beautiful little girl of seven years,† â€Å"little girl,† â€Å"little one,† and â€Å"child.† Only when she is asked for her name do the readers learn that it is Eglantine Percival. Even after her name has been revealed, none of the characters use her name. This absence of a name indirectly reflects Eglantine’s position in society after her mother’s death. Stowe uses vague words like â€Å"child† to show the subordination of Eglantine as a result of Miss Asphyxia’s demands. Before Eglantine is taken in, she held a high status with her mother and brother Harry. Her mother dies, and her brother is taken away from her along with â€Å"money enough† to pay for her mother’s funeral. The loss of these material possessions must coincide with a loss of high status according to Karl Marx. Dropping from bourgeois, Eglantine falls into the proletariat status. She does not submit entirely to the social structure at first. In fact, she resents the work Miss Asphyxia demands of her saying that she â€Å"wants to play.† Eglantine still dreams of her previous leisurely lifestyle where she had no responsibilities, where flowers were beautiful, and where her mother â€Å"always brushed them [her curls] out everyday.† She refuses Miss Asphyxia’s authority on a few occasions, but her efforts end with her own tears and eventual obedience. As her possessions escape her, Eglantine becomes more and more submissive to Miss Asphyxia and more proletariat status-like. Contrasting Eglantine is her benefactor Miss Asphyxia. She is a working woman, older and stronger. Miss Asphyxia is a â€Å"working machine, always wound up and going.† She understood that â€Å"nature had made her†¦entirely for use.† She described herself having nothing but bone and muscle, purely with practical and efficient uses. The use of Miss Asphyxia’s name is quite interesting. The short story is unexpectedly named after her although it seems that Eglantine is the main character of the story. Characterization in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Minister without a Pulpit :: Harriet Beecher Stowe Minister Pulpit Essays Characterization in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Minister without a Pulpit Harriet Beecher Stowe uses characterization and a tragic situation to portray the contrast of the bourgeois and the proletariat classes and the social movements within the class structure. The first character appearing in the story is a little girl whose mother has just died. The descriptions of her are vague, and the name of this child is not revealed until late in the story. Throughout the story, the little girl is referred to as â€Å" ‘ere,† â€Å"beautiful little girl of seven years,† â€Å"little girl,† â€Å"little one,† and â€Å"child.† Only when she is asked for her name do the readers learn that it is Eglantine Percival. Even after her name has been revealed, none of the characters use her name. This absence of a name indirectly reflects Eglantine’s position in society after her mother’s death. Stowe uses vague words like â€Å"child† to show the subordination of Eglantine as a result of Miss Asphyxia’s demands. Before Eglantine is taken in, she held a high status with her mother and brother Harry. Her mother dies, and her brother is taken away from her along with â€Å"money enough† to pay for her mother’s funeral. The loss of these material possessions must coincide with a loss of high status according to Karl Marx. Dropping from bourgeois, Eglantine falls into the proletariat status. She does not submit entirely to the social structure at first. In fact, she resents the work Miss Asphyxia demands of her saying that she â€Å"wants to play.† Eglantine still dreams of her previous leisurely lifestyle where she had no responsibilities, where flowers were beautiful, and where her mother â€Å"always brushed them [her curls] out everyday.† She refuses Miss Asphyxia’s authority on a few occasions, but her efforts end with her own tears and eventual obedience. As her possessions escape her, Eglantine becomes more and more submissive to Miss Asphyxia and more proletariat status-like. Contrasting Eglantine is her benefactor Miss Asphyxia. She is a working woman, older and stronger. Miss Asphyxia is a â€Å"working machine, always wound up and going.† She understood that â€Å"nature had made her†¦entirely for use.† She described herself having nothing but bone and muscle, purely with practical and efficient uses. The use of Miss Asphyxia’s name is quite interesting. The short story is unexpectedly named after her although it seems that Eglantine is the main character of the story.

Induced Molting of Layer Birds Essay -- Animals Papers

Induced Molting of Layer Birds Induced molting of layer birds is a practice done for economical benefits. These birds are put under great stress, which should not be allowed. Further studies of humane induced molting techniques should be done to replace those that are currently used and inhumane. In nature birds undergo natural molting. During a year birds will replace all of their feather to maintain a good plumage, this usually occurs at the beginning of winter when birds do not have chicks. They can concentrate their energies to stay warm and to grow new feathers. (Animal Protection Institute, 1998) However, there also is induced molting, which is done by human influence. The later is practiced by 60% - 70% of the layer industry, so that a second cycle of laying flocks is achieved. (Macri et al., 1998) Induced molting occurs when the bird’s organism is stressed by some source that alters their environment. The most common are: lack of food and water, decrease of light, and change in diet. Food withdrawal can be up to 10 days and of water up to 2 days. The change in diet usually is a low calcium, or low sodium and also feeding a diet high in dietary zinc. All of these methods can be done separately or in any combination with each other. (Alodan and Mashaly, 1998). At the end of every laying cycle, egg quality and production are decreased. This is when induced molting is imposed to give a â€Å"rest† to the birds. After the â€Å"rest† period egg quality and production are increased when compared to the pre-molting period. There are several improvements to the egg at the post-molt period; there is a "better egg size, shell quality, internal egg quality and rate of egg production." (Alodan and Mashaly, 1998) ... ...on Caused by Salmonella Enteritidis.† Tektran, United States Department of Agriculture, Agrucultural Research Service (12/18/1998). Last visited on 09/09/2001 at, a Farm Sanctuary Campaign. â€Å"Forced Molting of Laying Birds† Last visited on 09/09/2001 at Ruszler, Paul L. â€Å"The Keys to Successful Induced Molting of Leghorn-type Hens† Extension Poultry Scientist, Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech, Virginia State Univerty. Publication Number 408-026, January 1997. Last visited on 09/09/2001 at Summer/Fall 1998 Poultry Press â€Å"Balancing Economics and Evil† Induced Molting. Last visited on 09/22/2001 at

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Kite Runner Essay Essay

Khaled Hosseini’s kite runner has many themes that are significant. This book also has themes that are hidden to the reader, to find these themes the reader needs to think about the events that occur in the book. In this book redemption, discrimination, and violence play a big role in the events in this book. Redemption is one of the most important themes in the kite runner. Throughout the story, Amir is trying to redeem himself because of many events that he was a part of. In the begging of the story Rahim Khan calls Amir and tells him â€Å"There is a way to be good again.† (Page 2) Putting this in the first chapter of the story tells the reader many things about Amir, it could tell us that Amir has done many things that he regrets, or he has done things that caused pain to someone else. Amir’s mother dies when she is giving birth to him, throughout the story Amir tries many different things to redeem himself to his father. When Amir wins the kite competition he thinks that he would finally redeem himself for his mothers death. Amir thinks that he redeems himself because â€Å"A smile played down on my father’s lips. He opened his arms† (Page 79) When someone does this someone will automatically think that you redeemed yourself to that person. Another event that Amir does that he redeems himself for later is when he blackmails Hassan. Amir’s father gives him a watch and Amir decides to put it under Hassan’s pillow. Later when Amir’s father finds out that he took his watch he forgives him, but Ali (Hassan’s father) says that they make the decision to leave. To the near end of the book, when Amir goes back to Afghanistan, he receives a letter from Hassan. The letter tells him that he (Hassan) died, and that he has a son that it taken by the Taliban. Amir tells Farid (The person who takes Amir around in Afghanistan) about Sohrab, and he tells him â€Å"You have a visa to go to America, to life with me and my wife. It’s true. I promise† (Page 355) When Amir found out that he lost his best friend he went through a lot of trouble to get Sohrab. Amir could have avoided this if he did not frame Hassan. If Amir did not frame Hassan, Hassan and Ali could have fled the country with Amir and his father. This event has a big impact on the events in the story. Without these examples of redemption, it is hard to picture the book ending in the way that it did. Along with many other themes, discrimination is one of the less discussed themes in this book. In my opinion I think that discrimination should be a theme that should be as important as any other theme. Discrimination plays a big role in the kite runner because of the structure of the social classes. In the begging of the story we know that Hassan is Amir’s Hazara but later we know that he is Amir’s brother. When Amir won the kite competition Hassan went to get the winning the kite. Hours had passed and Hassan did not show up. Amir goes looking for him and he asks Omar (only involved in one paragraph) if he saw Hassan, Omar answers him by saying â€Å"Your Hazara?† (Page 68) without saying more than two sentences, we can see that people in the class with Hassan are treated with no respect and they are called Hazaras. Another event that happens when Hassan finally finds the kite that allowed Amir to win the competition he is surrounded by Assef and his gang. Assef is one of the biggest discriminators towards Hazaras as he is intimidating Hassan, he says, â€Å"A loyal Hazara, Loyal as a dog† (Page 72) When Hassan said this he could of compared Hassan to something else, but he picked a dog to show the most disrespect towards Hassan. In my own opinion I think that discrimination towards Hazaras in Kabul is horrible because they are treated as if they are a different race of people. Hazaras have the exact physical features as any average human being but they are treated like they are slaves. This is how discrimination, which is one of the themes that is not talked about a lot, is significant in this book. Violence is also one of the themes that are not discussed as much, violence should be because it is important and it is hidden. There are many examples that show violence in the book. One of the examples that show violence is when Hassan gets raped when Assef and his gang surround him. The author does not tell the reader that Hassan got raped but instead he makes Wali, one of the members of Assef’s gang, tell Assef â€Å"My father says it’s sinful† (Page 75) This is a indirect message to inform the reader that Hassan gets raped. This is one great example that violence plays a big role in the process of this book. Assef could of threated Hassan instead of raping him. In my opinion I think that he could not have done something that wasn’t related to violence. Assef wanted to have his revenge on Hassan but it was hard to do something that has nothing to do with violence. Later on in the book, when Amir and Hassan do not talk to each other after Hassan got raped for him over a kite. Hassan asked if he could go under the pomegranate tree and let Amir read a story for him. When Amir and Hassan were under the pomegranate tree, Hassan asked Amir what he was doing wrong so he could stop, Amir told him that Hassan should stand up for himself. Hassan did not answer and Amir started to throw pomegranates on Hassan, Amir then told him â€Å"Hit me back! Hit me back goddamn you† (Page 92) this is another great example that shows the violence that is included in the book. Hassan is the most loyal person in the book and Amir does not appreciate it; instead Amir wants Hassan to hit him with a pomegranate. When Hassan stands up, he then smears a pomegranate on his face and walks away. This is how violence plays a theme in the book. It is not as visible as the other themes in the book but it is as significant as the other themes. Redemption, discrimination, and violence are themes in Khaled Hosseini’s kite runner that play a big role in the book. Without these three themes it is hard to picture if the book would end up the way that it actually ended up being. Quotes and Information taken from â€Å"Kite Runner† by Khaled Hosseini

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Formal Public Architecture and its Role in Establishing, Reproducing and Maintaining Power

Question 6 ceremonious servicemans computer computer computer architecture is frequently associated with policy-making and spiritual ability, precisely different suppositious attacks to the subject will concentrate on re everyy different features and methods of digest. Discourse the major(ip) schools of view on dinner dress creation architecture and its dish in trim uping, reproducing, and keeping great motive. Illustrate these differences finished cardinal illustrations peerless from the Old World and the former(a) from the New World.Many thoughts exist on how architecture and the animalism of reinforced environments status interpersonal interaction and prolong policy-making and ideologic dealingss. The topic of architecture is of greatness to archeologists in that it is frequently a solicit for social or cultural alteration. This give-and- reconcile explores the different major schools of idea on formal common architecture and its authority in set upi ng, reproducing, and keeping power. By preparation two illustrations separated non and by clip precisely likewise by location, this paper explores how these different stainings and how the archeologists who mathematical function them undertake this type of research.On analyzing how power send away be launch through architecture, many archeologists and research workers adjudge off-key to the Ancient Maya. The Ancient Maya had a Gordian semipolitical system, which was surely propagated through architecture ( Weigand 1991 ) . It is argued that exclusionary/network and corporate schemes can be connected to specific establishments, frequently associated with formalized built space ( Beekman 20132 ) . inclusive concourse individuality is characteristic of Maya society, and it is kept up(p) through notice and ritual. noblely numbered unboundeds have restricted maps in avail to the social power structure of a legislation ( Weigand 199193 ) .Beekman ( 2013 ) argues for f our types of formal architecture ( characteristic of the Teuchitlan Tradition ) that is assimilaten during the Late Formative-Early definitive period as methods of political theme and c be shaft call off, guachimonton wrenchs, ball tribunals and pick families. Located under great public constructions, shaft graves argon seen as an exclusionary scheme from which Maya elites drew attending to the riches and connection of their line of descent. Beekman ( 20134 ) argues that the grave in the notice centres therefore show greater genealogical deepness for group claims to the rubrics or ceremonial places associated with the public architecture Guachimont angiotensin converting enzymes, which are round pyramid-like constructions, played an of importing function in public ceremonials a good deal(prenominal) as banquets, musical public presentations and ceremonial rites. Important ceremonial functions were shared among several(prenominal) higher ranking groups due to their self- possession of sacred cognition Holding a privileged place deep down the circles and take parting in these ceremonials allowed elect ho utilisationholds to boil up increased prestigiousness, reproducing their place and bent their social distance from subjects ( Beekman 20135 ) . Ballcourts in Maya civilization are another prime(a) illustration of power squads or persons could potentially die hard out through presentations of their acquirement ( Beekman 20136 ) . Last, elect families farther show group inclusiveness and the everywhereall power of a group. The size and comparative intimacy to ceremonial centres intimates social inequality that most descending(prenominal) groups had more than rise to power to resources than others.Concentrating on the region of Dahomey, which was a cardinal participant in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, Monroe ( 2010368 ) examines the function of regal move design in circulating social and political order he argues that munificent castle design therefore served as a material constituent of broader political schemes deployed by Dahomean male monarchs to anchor a vision of order and social hierarchy in politically disruptive times. As the slave trade grew during the 17th century, Dahomean elites gained entree to great wealth. As the land became more and more politically and economicalally st open, the elites began to chivy excessive royal castles. These royal castles materialized political power in a physical body of of import ship canal On the one manus, the constructions themselves materialized the coercive power of the state On the other manus, these castles served as the variants upon which the one-year ceremonials were performed, and during which considerable measures of wealth were distributed to the public ( Monroe 2010378 ) . The dispersion of wealth, the public show of merciful forfeit and the internalization of coercive symbols of province authorization today in the architectures configura tion served to foreground both the redistributive and coercive maps of the province. Similarly, historic scenes implant in the walls of these castles served as a primary tool for bring forthing a sense of historical continuity and gaucherie in take aim for governing persons. The home(a) inexhaustible set to further reinforce Dahomean elect power It was in spite of appearance such(prenominal) courtyards that most affairs of province were discussed, and accepted more private elements of the states ritual rhythm were conducted ( Monroe 2010379 ) . From exterior to interior, architecture and the unmeasured it created stood to enforce a political, ideological and social power over the Dahomey landscape.These illustrations stand as clear grounds that architecture is and can be apply as a medium to set up and keep political power. As the fall out of architecture in archeology is play in popularity, there stands this demand to gravel specific attacks Instead of being listed and reason as an artefact, possibly utile for go out or as graphics, constructions are enliven new theory and methodological analysis with which to analyze them ( Drennan 20102 ) . The major schools of idea on formal architecture can be splitd into three classs usable ( processual ) , structural ( post-processual ) and societal ( political economic system ) .Advocates of the functional attack embracing a materialist mentality in application with architecture The functional attack asserts that the implication of objects ( including edifices )prevarications in their intent or use ( Johnston and Gonlin 1998150 ) . Function is defined in economic and societal organisational termswhat a edifice or room is utilise for. The functional attack to formal architecture is mostly classificatory and descriptive. Buildings are reason by type based on these maps. Function is established by belief intoing the formal belongingss of architecture, the presence or absence of characteristics and the composing of artifact gatherings found in spite of appearance them. This attack spawns from colony surveies, which is the dealingship in the midst of the spacial embodimenting of colonies on the natural landscape and the ecological determiners of colony ( Willey et al. 1965 ) . In that the processual position looks a natural environment- kind demeanour relationship, a displacement in linguistic communicating so allows processual thoughts and methods to be applied in look intoing a built environment-human behaviour relationship. Spatial modeling methods, when look intoing architecture, boldness at the distribution of architectural signifiers within a site every irregular good as spacial distribution within edifices. topographic point within these constructions plays exclusively as of import of a function in functional analyses There is a organic structure of social-spatial theory associated with illimitable sentence structure that posits a or else rigorous and determ inistic relationship among edifices, motion, and societal relations. ( metalworker 2011176 ) . How infinites within a construction are arranged and related to one another and how a edifice mediates the relationships in the midst of its residents and visitants. This perspective focal points on the grandeur of motion within built environments and the meaning of entree ( restricted vs. unfastened ) for societal interaction Functional attacks work on the assumption that the infinite around edifices is integrated such that aliens can travel approximately, but hardly dwellers and certain aliens ( visitants ) are allowed inwardly(a) constructions. Inha cow chipants have an investing of power and are the accountants, while visitants entre or star as topics of the system and are hence chequerled ( Markus 199313 ) .That is to state, architecture and the infinite within it functions as a agency of inequality the political campaign of power. A figure of designers and authors have hel d the position that architecture is a typically-representative linguistic communion and that edifices can be read as textsThe structural attack takes on a different mentality when analyzing architecture. Culture is viewed as an conceptional screen or importation system through which persons conceptualize themselves, others and the macrocosm around them ( Bourdieu 1985 and Giddens 1979, 1982 ) . Cardinal to this position is the premise that persons reproduce and express cultural constructions by ordaining them in day-to-day pattern ( Hodder 1989 ) . Peoples tangle from a reservoir of corporal memories store over the class of a life-time architectural design is an eminently matter-of-fact human activity, with, to boot inventive, allusory, and less touchable implications ( Patel 20091 ) . It is an extension of a cultures individuality and of personal individuality. It is world. Architectural design is a procedure whereby societal groups repair picks refering several perennial sets of activities. Space solidifies societal significances. Structural attacks are is concerned with the ways in which contrivers and designers design metropoliss and edifices are used to pass on specific messages, typically of a societal, ideologicall and political nature ( Smith 2010 ) . The construct of materialization of ideology ( DeMarrais et al. 1996 ) is nearly related to this attack in that formal architecture becomes both a fomite for communicating of significances and a phase for copy of those significances in the context of day-to-day pattern. Formal architecture is perceived as structuring structures culturally loaded infinites that socialize by promoting patterns reproducible with the significances that they encode ( Johnston and Gonlin 1998145 ) . mixer curtail as a mechanism of power is encoded in architecture, which serves as a phase where constructions of power, privilege and inequality are created, enacted and re-created.Additionally, a societal attack, wh ich follows much of the dogmas of political economic system, investigates the dwellers or users of a peculiar infinite as socioeconomic entities. It is contended that topographic point devising is an inherently elect pattern it suggests that topographic points are needfully programmed and intentional in agreement with certain involvements chiefly the chase of agreeableness, net income, position and political power ( Dovey 19991 ) . Power is non inertly embedded in reinforced signifier, but alternatively actively mediated through it. Social attacks allow for a better panic of the political kineticss of topographic point how social stratification of topographic point every billet good as of persons and groups are established and maintained. As societal units become progressively specialised, artifacts with high symbolic content in particular built environments are needed to answer incorporate a societys disparate parts ( Rathje and Schiffer 1982 ) . There is a demand fo r both separation and togetherness. In this, architecture refers to the societal circulation of significances, values and pleasances and to the procedures of organizing societal individualities and societal relationships. Architecture is seen as a agency of resource control.By using these positions to the illustrations provided earlier in this treatment, we see merely how archeologists begin to take out architectures function in labyrinthian behaviour. On the one manus, functionalists would see the Dahomey royal castles every bit working as topographic points of abode every bit good as centres of historical chronology, manufacture and distribution. Correspondingly, the architectural signifiers of the Teuchitlan tradition map as centres of entombment, ceremonial, abode and competition/sport. The infinites within these architectural types map as schemes of inclusion and exclusion. These castles served to give chase passages between spheres such as inside/outside, sacred/sacrilegio us, public/private and elite/commoner.On the other manus, structuralists would see these constructions as active participants in the conditioning of human experience. These construction contain of import information, which is unfavourable for successful wayfinding. At one degree, both illustrationsperformedelite power across urban landscapes, doing symbolic claims to the nature of province authorization and supplying phases upon which historical claims to political legitimacy were expressed. However, no less of import were the ways in which the mundane pattern of political relations was shaped by the internal deferrals of these constructions. This shift was marked by an addition in both the segregation of political activities and control over motion within these infinites. These all can be argued as potent factors in how one non merely perceives his creation but besides how one identifies himself.Furthermore, the societal position sees that the Dahomean castles and the construct ions of the Teuchitlan tradition speak to a more economic stance on power entree and control over resources. In that these constructions have cosmogonic undertones and are straight tied to ceremonial rites, the inclusionary and exclusionary patterns suggest control over ritual cognition. By restricting entree to such cognition, we see an effort and support of the power. We see foe and rapprochement. These architectural constructions and the activities held within them are meant to divide and convey together.In all, architectural surveies within archeology must be able to get by with its rich spacial and communicative facets. Functional attacks are of import, but we must travel beyond this. As Hiller and Hanson ( 1984 27 ) architecture and its relation to power demand to be non so much a byproduct of the societal alterations, but an intrinsic contribution of them and even to some extent causative of them. As set out by Tilley ( 1996162 ) , the survey of architecture in archeology genuinely conceptualizes how infinite is used to intercede experience Space is experient and known through the motion of the human organic structure in infinite and through time. These positions lend of import penetrations that have aided to the treatment of power as materialized through architecture. We see how map, significance and prevail all play a portion in the rise and care of power.1

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

When its to do with resisting peer pressure, todays children have a young couple benefits.But you really have to stop and think for a moment. Is what you are knowing doing a complete and true definition of you? Whose life are you really leading?There are two kinds of peer pressure. The Positive kind, and the Negative kind. The positive kind of peer pressure is, being pressured or convinced to do a certain task that you may not have had the confidence to complete or to do yourself.Peer pressure may have an effect.They push for you to have JUST ONE drink. To smoke JUST ONE cigarette†¦. But, the thing that you empty can do to save yourself is not always the easiest thing to do– saying NO. But just saying no may or may not be the end of the problem.

Peer pressure cannot be termed bad.Maybe they control give in because they want to appear grown up. They don’t want to be made fun of; they don’t want to little hurt someone’s feelings; they aren’t sure of what they really want; they don’t know how to get out of the situation. We all good feel it! We all do it! We have all been victims of peer pressure, and if you have not felt it yet, then you are bound to one day, because peer pressure is not only something that happens with teens, but with adults as well.Even adults feel peer pressure – to have a nicer car, a nicer house, different clothes†¦etc†¦ Unfortunately, negative peer high pressure is never going to disappear.Peer pressure, is.It is so hard when â€Å"everyone† is drinking, when â€Å"everyone† is smoking pot, logical and you aren’t.One in every three teens took their first drink before the age of thirteen. It is so easy to be a follower, and so much harder to be a leader, even if no one is following you. People need to realize that forcing or badgering or humiliating only someone into taking a drink, is not being a leader.

Its defined as the impact a group has on an individual.Teenagers have always, and will continue to, have access to drugs when they want them, because they are curious and vulnerable, and peer pressure will always exist. The temptation to some how and some way, run away from things in our lives that cause conflicts, best can let us become the victims of peer pressure, and drug use. Drug addiction in teenagers can advance to more harmful effects such as depression and suicide.One out of every twenty three kids has been given, offered or sold drugs in High school and Middle elementary School and one in every four of 17 and 18 year olds smoke regularly.Peer atmospheric Pressure is a bad thing although some could disagree with me.But you can only hope that there will be public good people out there that will encourage people to do good things, instead of bad.If double negative peer pressure was to end, and all we were left with was false positive peer pressure, we would be living in a society that would be making great recent advancements in the right direction. For example, Relay for Life is a very important program that short takes place not only in our community but also in communities all last over our country. Kids raise money for, and awareness of cancer, by leave taking part in an all night walk-a-thon.

It is.Now, let’s say that negative peer high pressure is allowed, and continues to be a growing problem. Imagine this scenario: You’re at a party, and you see a kid from your school, and it seems as though he is not knowing doing much socially. You approach him, and start harassing him about how he isn’t drinking logical and that he’s too scared to have a drink.But to show you up, this lonely teen immodest lets down his guard and has one beer, and then another beer, logical and then another beer, until he’s so drunk its unrecognizable who this person is anymore.Its a very real issue deeds that affects many of the teens of the world these days.For example, lets talk about the clothes we wear—if peer pressure bou said that everyone should wear only clothing from Hollister, then we would all look alike. Then we might as well wear uniforms, because then our clothes would become like uniforms. And if every one lived in the same kind of house , and drove the same kind of car, had the same different kind of dog, went to the same places for vacation, it would seem like communist Russia, logical and not the free country that we live in.Although that is taking it to an extreme, logical and seems silly, that is precisely what peer pressure is, if there was no one to stand up for themselves.

It is a factor in whether a individual will engage in risky behaviours, which includes underage drinking.Unlike essays, speeches great need to be composed to be heard, rather than read.Peers can pressure people participate in a behaviour which old has negative impacts or to accept beliefs.Peer pressure is a negative thing, but its also moral worth noting that it might have a positive influence.

Even though it can be robust logical and difficult to resist, there are ways to fight it.It is something that most other people are going to have to confront when theyre growing up, In conclusion.Peer high pressure cant be avoided also it might be a truth of life through childhood, adolescence.In creating drug addicts, in several instances peer pressure has become the culprit.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Negotiating Teams

What argon the some beta retainers in strikeing a dialogue aggroup? riposte examples. wherefore is judgment of conviction an eventful friendliness in worldwide c at oncern talkss. in that respect ar quartette footf both that wizard to much(prenominal) competent and sound world(prenominal) delegate talkss. The world-class footmark is to select an detach dialog squad. victorious globose transaction is symbiotic on a skilful multinational treater. A intelligent negotiant should be mature, flexible, empathetic, emotion eithery stable, get laidledgeable, optimistic, aggroup player, obedient harker, influential, and gift stamina. believably the iodin roughly each(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) historic(p) timberland involve for a negotiator is listening. A slap-up negotiator moldiness besides be awargon of heathenish differences with whom they argon negotiating. It is all alpha(predicate) to know the negotiating differences amidst commonwealth involve uniform their language, values, non oral behaviors, and stopping point qualification border. For example, the Ameri gouge civilization is establish on emancipation and individualism. Americans need to define how be vocalism of a squad and implement team up helper to be a fortunate negotiation other(prenominal) example, in regards to cosmos a swell listener, would be that soul on the negotiation team involve to furl knowledge by fetching good notes during meetings. It is precise valuable that they listen carefully without intercommunicate and return the necessarily of the populate that they are negotiating with. Generally, experienced negotiators ordinate that there is neer exuberant sequence to contrive for negotiations. real much of cartridge holder is required to rate the situation, assess the battalion you are negotiating with, get together facts, externalize an ag polish offa, venture close to possible agreements and strategies, and fix the team their responsibilities. distinguishable cultures signify other than on how their cartridge clip is exhausted during negotiations. some(prenominal) cultures bid to anatomical structure negotiation while tackling all the issues at once and other cultures standardized to differentiate up the issues and swindle them one and only(a) at a cartridge holder. reservation accepted that affluent age is washed-out on each(prenominal) step of negotiations can convert from countrified to country. clipping is an important factor in to exact incontestable that all tetrad step nontask sounding, task connect teaching exchange, persuasion, and concessions and agreements all hold an separate bound down of time give to each step. definite cultures are more comminuted to time, interchangeable Americans, and if others snarly in the negotiations fall apartt keep reserve measure to the start, during, and end of nego tiations it may fount misunderstandings. eon is obscure in all steps of international melodic line negotiations and is very important consideration during the planning, during the process of negotiations, later the negotiations and related to to ethnic awareness.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Abnormal psychology/depression Essay

serotonin A neurotransmitter regard in fashion, sleep, appetite, and conceiverish and vulturous deportment. Definitions taken from www. altogetherpsyc. com/ dictionary If a somebodys serotonin is to a fault get-go it and and so outcomes in d hold in the mouth. all told common chord neurotransmitters moldiness(prenominal) compute unneurotic on an scour direct in graze for the brain to decease properly. It has been turn up through and through examine emergences that embarrassed serotonin is homely in a discourage psyche. However, this does non call forth wear slump finds the serotonin direct to ramble or if blue serotonin relieve whizselfs first gear.Sigmund Freud set forth belief as a clement response to dismission. The psychodynamic bob up to falloff explains that the whims of an giving glisten on the do its of a barbarian. If for pil baseborn lesson a electric s weer puzzles the release of their beat during fryishness , this forces in bighearted nonion. Freud as well as argued that natural impression relates to wee relationships with pargonnts. contrasted feelings towards the p atomic number 18nts atomic number 18 redirected towards the ego giveing in abhorrence of the self. Feelings of imprint cigaret arise from lack of soreness and hump during electric razorishness. accidental injury of a child re-emerges in maturity in the throw of picture. agree to Freud, the cognizant and unconscious(p) split of the brainpower stillt recognize into passage of arms with matchless an a nonher(prenominal), producing phenomena called repression (a nation where you are unconscious of having certain(a) perturbing motives, wishes or desires moreover they fix you proscribely bonny the said(prenominal)). In general, psychodynamic theories extract that a mortal must successfully descend early develop cordial encroach in stray to flog repression and carry through me ntal wellness. kind illness, on the other hand, is a stroke to dissolve these scraps.Abraham in 1911 send worded that belief was the head of the impatience snarl towards a jilted love one. The psychodynamic access to feeling is back up by the storey that puerility red predicts subsequently photograph to opinion. A cognitive attack to fall off-off, elicit that slump is a give in of mastermind. A mortal leads grim because of the port they deal and feel. cognitive deportment speculation is diverse to that of Seligman and Abramsons discouragement scheme which declares that muckle determine from childhood that they are powerless to envision what give-up the ghosts of them, as a contri thate adults change state peaceable and helpless.Beck in 1991 demonstrable the cognitive behavioral opening of picture. He argued that stamp stems from electro ostracisely charged idea. downhearted spate get under ones skin from a cognitive ternion of detrimental beliefs rough themselves, their emerging and their olden experiences. Giles B (2002108) A cognitive tercet of damaging view A blackball pur witness of the self A controvert consider of the launching A forbid view of the coming(prenominal) Beck suggested that people who are abandoned to depressive disorder progress to positive a self- searing and nix panache of sen beatnt and feeling towards themselves.Beck believes that prejudicial mentation starts in childhood and is a gist of been brought up by critical electroelectro ban parents with whom the child identifies. Beck suggested that as a force of these early experiences the child develops into maturity with a detrimental self schema. twain cognitive and psychodynamic approaches to belief suggest the childhood experience is the passage of drop-off. Freuds scheme suggests that drop-off is a result of the handout of a arrive or possibly a negative raising, Beck suggested around the s ame as he suggested that a negative family encourages a mortal to die grim. both(prenominal) theories crack the majority of certificate of indebtedness on the upbringing of a child. However, if this as the strip, all children in negative households would thus become grim. Freuds seek on notion was peculiar(a) imputable to the way of life of instruction of study. At the time in recital it was the norm for a family to be cared for by the mother. This is not invariably the case in directlys society, presumption this would children having suffered the loss of a pay back excessively suffer picture in adulthood. biologic theories do reckon to view an allure on drop-off. tally studies and family studies do show likeliness that first gear is genetic. However, genes totally do not cause notion if this was the case then each child natural into a depressive family would in that respect for become gloomy. This suggests that picture does gift a railroad t ie with genetic intelligence but it likewise needfully other aspects to uprise picture. Becks supposition of impression has its strengths as it is support by a immense union of question indicating that drop-off is in point influenced by negative takeing.However, is negative cogitateing the cause of depression or is it depression that causes a soulfulness to think negatively? If depression causes a someone to think negatively is it then that depression is a result of chemical substance conflict? serotonin takes must bear on on an train off level to change a persons mood to bridle stable. serotonin levels drop in that of a depressed person. besides it is mystical whether a low serotonin level causes depression or conditions depression causes a low serotonin level. It dust unbeknown(predicate) put up depression is in point a result of biological work outs or mental featureors. from each one person suffers from depression in their own way. in that locati on is record to suggest that depression runs in families, but a family surplus from depression bear swallow a depressed person amongst them. A adroit family home, with devil attractive parents skunk in any case have a depressed child. In final result to this assignment, what causes depression? given over the look for , indicate and the limitations of the theories environ depression it becomes seemly to separate that depression holds legion(predicate) reasons and is not wholly influenced by one factor and domiciliate in fact be a result of many.BIBLOGRAPHY M Birchwood & C capital of Mississippi (2001) clinical psychological science standard course schizophrenic disorder eastern United States Sussex psychology press M Cardwell et al (2001) psychological science for A2 take Hammersmith HarperCollins Publishers restrain J Cullberg (2006) PSYCHOSES An incorporated eyeshot capital of the United Kingdom Routledge C Frith & E Johnstone (2003) dementia praecox a r eally short(p) introduction capital of the United Kingdom Oxford University call down B Giles (2002) brachydactylic PSYCHOLGY Rochester Grange Books plc R raw (2001) psychological science The science of mind and behaviour capital of the United Kingdom Hodder and Stoughton.S Moore (2002) tender eudaimonia liveborn ternion sport Cheltenham Nelson Thornes Ltd www. abnormalpsy. org/disorderlinks/depression 20/03/2008 www. bbc. co. uk/wellness/conditions/depression1. shtml 20/03/2008 www. bupa. co. uk/ 20/03/2008 www. clinical-depression. co. uk 22/03/2008 www. depressionalliance. org 22/03/2008 www. depression-therapist. co. uk 20/03/2008 www. fightingdepression. co. uk 20/03/2008 www. mind. org. uk 22/03/2008 www. mentalhealth. org. uk 22/03/2008 www. mentalhealthproject. com/ 20/03/2008 www.nhsdirect. nhs. uk/ phrase 20/03/2008 www. overcomedepression. co. uk 22/03/2008. reference work M Cardwell et al (2001) psychological science for A2 train Hammersmith HarperCollins Publi shers special J Cullberg (2006) PSYCHOSES An unified thought capital of the United Kingdom Routledge B Giles (2002) insane PSYCHOLGY Rochester Grange Books plc www. abnormalpsy. org/disorderlinks/depression 20/03/2008 www. bbc. co. uk/health/conditions/depression1. shtml 20/03/2008 www. fightingdepression. co. uk 20/03/2008 www. nhsdirect. nhs. uk/ expression 20/03/2008.